Xterminal Home Page Main page

Functions and macros

void ClearEvent(XEvent *__Event)

Clears the event passed as parameter

XEvent* FetchEvent(unsigned long __Id)

Returns the first available event for object __Id, zero if none

XEvent* FetchEvent()

Returns the first available event, zero if none

void XInit()

Initialize the Xterminal library

void XDone()

End the Xterminal session

void XDebug(char *__fmt, ...)

Produce debug information to Xterminal's log file

Terminal-related functions

void XBeep() ->
void XClear() -> Terminal->Clear()
void XColorWindow(XRect __r, unsigned __f, unsigned __b) -> Terminal->ColorWindow(XRect __r, unsigned __f, unsigned __b)
void XColorWindowContent(XRect __r, unsigned __f, unsigned __b) -> Terminal->ColorWindowContent(XRect __r, unsigned __f, unsigned __b)
void XDrawBorder(XRect __r, char *__frame) -> Terminal->DrawBorder(XRect __r, char *__frame)
void XFillWindow(XRect __r, chtype __c) -> Terminal->FillWindow(XRect __r, chtype __c)
void XGetColor(unsigned *__f, unsigned *__b) -> Terminal->GetColor(unsigned *__f, unsigned *__b)
XEvent* XGetEvent() -> Terminal->GetEvent()
void XGetInputState(unsigned __Mask) -> Terminal->GetInputState(unsigned __Mask)
void XGetOutputState(unsigned __Mask) -> Terminal->GetOutputState(unsigned __Mask)
XPoint XGetSize() -> Terminal->GetSize()
unsigned XGetState(unsigned __Mask) -> Terminal->GetState(unsigned __Mask)
void XGetWindow(XRect __r, chtype *__buff) -> Terminal->GetWindow(XRect __r, chtype *__buff)
bool XIsValid(XPoint __p) -> Terminal->IsValid(XPoint __p)
void XMoveCursor(XPoint __p) -> Terminal->MoveCursor(XPoint __p)
void XPrint(XPoint __p, char *__fmt, ...) -> Terminal->Print(XPoint __p, char *__fmt, ...)
void XPrintChar(XPoint __p, chtype __c) -> Terminal->PrintChar(XPoint __p, chtype __c)
void XRefresh() -> Terminal->Refresh()
void XResize() -> Terminal->Resize()
void XPutWindow(XRect __r, chtype *__buff) -> Terminal->PutWindow(XRect __r, chtype *__buff)
void XSetColor(unsigned __f, unsigned __b) -> Terminal->SetColor(unsigned __f, unsigned __b)
void XSetInputState(unsigned __Mask, unsigned __BoolValue) -> Terminal->SetInputState(unsigned __Mask, unsigned __BoolValue)
void XSetOutputState(unsigned __Mask, unsigned __BoolValue) -> Terminal->SetOutputState(unsigned __Mask, unsigned __BoolValue)
void XSetState(unsigned __Mask, unsigned __BoolValue) -> Terminal->SetState(unsigned __Mask, unsigned __BoolValue)

Copyright ©1998-2001 Dragos Acostachioaie
Last update on October 27, 2001

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