class XPoint

Geometrical two-dimensional point

Public Fields

[more]unsigned x
X coordinate of the point
[more]unsigned y
Y coordinate of the point

Public Methods

[more] XPoint()
Constructs a clean point with the coordinates (0, 0)
[more] XPoint(unsigned __x, unsigned __y)
Constructs a new point with the coordinates (__x, __y)
[more]void Assign(unsigned __x, unsigned __y)
Assigns the specified coordinates to the point
[more]XPoint& operator += (XPoint __delta)
Translates the point by the coordinates of the specified point
[more]XPoint& operator -= (XPoint __delta)
Negatively translates the point by the coordinates of the specified point
[more]XPoint operator + (XPoint __p)
Adds the coordinates of two points and returns the result as point
[more]XPoint operator - (XPoint __p)
Substracts the coordinates of two points and returns the result as point
[more]XPoint& operator = (XPoint __p)
Assigns the point the coordinates of the specified point
[more]bool operator == (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if they are equal
[more]bool operator != (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns false if they are equal
[more]bool operator < (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if the first one is nearer to the origin
[more]bool operator > (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if the second one is nearer to the origin
[more]bool operator <= (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if the first one is nearer or as far as the second one from the origin
[more]bool operator >= (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if the second one is nearer or as far as the first one from the origin


The XPoint class is the two dimensional representation of a geometrical point with the coordinates x and y. Methods to assign coordinates and operators for mathematical calculation are included.
ounsigned x
X coordinate of the point

ounsigned y
Y coordinate of the point

o XPoint()
Constructs a clean point with the coordinates (0, 0)

o XPoint(unsigned __x, unsigned __y)
Constructs a new point with the coordinates (__x, __y)
__x - x coordinate
__y - y coordinate

ovoid Assign(unsigned __x, unsigned __y)
Assigns the specified coordinates to the point
__x - x coordinate
__y - y coordinate

oXPoint& operator += (XPoint __delta)
Translates the point by the coordinates of the specified point
translated point
__delta - translation vector

oXPoint& operator -= (XPoint __delta)
Negatively translates the point by the coordinates of the specified point
translated point
__delta - translation vector

oXPoint operator + (XPoint __p)
Adds the coordinates of two points and returns the result as point
sum of points
__p - right operand

oXPoint operator - (XPoint __p)
Substracts the coordinates of two points and returns the result as point
difference of points
__p - right operand

oXPoint& operator = (XPoint __p)
Assigns the point the coordinates of the specified point
assigned point
__p - value to assign

obool operator == (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if they are equal
true if equal
__p - right operand

obool operator != (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns false if they are equal
false if equal
__p - right operand

obool operator < (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if the first one is nearer to the origin
true if smaller
__p - right operand

obool operator > (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if the second one is nearer to the origin
true if greater
__p - right operand

obool operator <= (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if the first one is nearer or as far as the second one from the origin
true if smaller or equal
__p - right operand

obool operator >= (XPoint __p)
Compares the coordinates of two points and returns true if the second one is nearer or as far as the first one from the origin
true if greater or equal
__p - right operand

This class has no child classes.

Go to the hierarchy of classes.

Copyright ©1998 Bernd Kalbfuss
Last update on October 27, 2001

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