class XtScrollBar: public XObject

Scroll bar


XtScrollBar - XObject - XEventBroker

Public Methods

[more] XtScrollBar(XRect __r, unsigned long __TotalNo, unsigned long __Flags)
Constructs a new XtScrollBar
[more]virtual void Draw()
Draws the object
[more]virtual unsigned long GetTotalNo()
Returns the total items number
[more]virtual bool ProcessMouseEvent(XMouseEvent *__Event)
Process mouse events
[more]virtual void SetTotalNo(unsigned long __ItemNo)
Change the total items number
[more]virtual void SetValue(unsigned long __ItemNo)
Change the current item number

Inherited from XObject:

Public Methods

ovirtual void CalculateBounds()
oXRect GetBounds()
ovirtual XEvent* GetEvent()
ounsigned long GetId()
ochar* GetObjClass()
oXPoint GetOrigin()
ovirtual char* GetPalette()
ovirtual unsigned GetPalEntry(unsigned __Index)
oXPoint GetSize()
ounsigned long GetState()
ovirtual bool GetState(unsigned long __Mask)
ovirtual void HandleEvent(XEvent *__Event)
ovirtual void MoveTo(XPoint __p)
ovirtual bool ProcessEvent(XEvent *__Event)
ovirtual void RegisterClient(XObject *__Client)
ovirtual void Resize(XPoint __delta)
ovirtual void SetPalette(char *__Pal, unsigned __PalLen)
ovirtual void SetState(unsigned long __Mask, bool __BoolValue)
ovirtual void UnregisterClient(XObject *__Client)

Protected Fields

ounsigned long Id
ounsigned long State
oXPoint Origin
oXPoint Size
oXPoint Cursor
oXRect Bounds
ochar ObjClass[40]
ochar Pal[80]
ounsigned PalLen
oXObject* Server
oClientList Clients

Protected Methods

obool SendMessage(unsigned long __Receiver, unsigned long __Class, long __Message)
obool SendMessage(unsigned long __Receiver, unsigned long __Class, void *__Body, unsigned long __Size)

Inherited from XEventBroker:

Public Methods

ovirtual void AddListener(unsigned long __Listener, unsigned __Class)
ovirtual void DelListener(unsigned long __Listener, unsigned __Class)
ovirtual void DelListener(unsigned long __Listener)

Protected Fields

oMap __map

Inherited from XObjectEventListener:

Public Methods

ovirtual bool ProcessKeyboardEvent(XKeyboardEvent *__Event)
ovirtual bool ProcessMessage(XMessage *__Event)
ovirtual bool ProcessCommand(XMessage *__Event)
ovirtual bool ProcessSignal(XEvent *__Event)
ovirtual bool ProcessBroadcast(XEvent *__Event)

Inherited from XEventListener:


Scroll bar
o XtScrollBar(XRect __r, unsigned long __TotalNo, unsigned long __Flags)
Constructs a new XtScrollBar
__r - bar bounds
__TotalNo - total items number
__ - Flags options, which can be:

SB_HORIZONTAL scroll bar is horizontally positioned

SB_INDICATE_PERCENT scroll bar indicates what percent of total items are being viewed. By default, the scroll bar indicates the current item number.

ovirtual void Draw()
Draws the object

ovirtual unsigned long GetTotalNo()
Returns the total items number

ovirtual bool ProcessMouseEvent(XMouseEvent *__Event)
Process mouse events

ovirtual void SetTotalNo(unsigned long __ItemNo)
Change the total items number

ovirtual void SetValue(unsigned long __ItemNo)
Change the current item number

This class has no child classes.

Go to the
hierarchy of classes.

Copyright ©1998-2001 Dragos Acostachioaie
Last update on October 27, 2001

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