class XtWindow: public XObject

Window class


XtWindow - XObject - XEventBroker

Public Methods

[more]class XtDialogBox XtWindow(XRect __r, char *__Title)
Constructs a new XtWindow with the specified bounds and title
[more]virtual ~XtWindow()
Destructs the XtWindow instance
[more]virtual void Close()
Close the window
[more]virtual void Draw()
Draws the window
[more]virtual void MoveTo(XPoint __p)
Move the upper-left window corner to the specified coordinate
[more]virtual bool ProcessKeyboardEvent(XKeyboardEvent *__Event)
Process keyboard events
[more]virtual bool ProcessMessage(XMessage *__Event)
Process message events.
[more]virtual bool ProcessMouseEvent(XMouseEvent *__Event)
Process mouse events
[more]virtual void Resize(XPoint __delta)
Adjusts the object's size with the specified coordinates
[more]virtual void SetFrame(char *__Frame)
Set the frame style
[more]virtual void SetTitle(char *__Title)
Set the window title
[more]virtual void SetState(unsigned long __Mask, bool __BoolValue)
Sets the window state

Protected Fields

[more]chtype* Buffer
Buffer to save the old screen area
[more]char* Title
Window title
[more]char Frame[10]
Window frame

Protected Methods

[more]void FrameUpdate()
Updates window margins

Inherited from XObject:

Public Methods

ovirtual void CalculateBounds()
oXRect GetBounds()
ovirtual XEvent* GetEvent()
ounsigned long GetId()
ochar* GetObjClass()
oXPoint GetOrigin()
ovirtual char* GetPalette()
ovirtual unsigned GetPalEntry(unsigned __Index)
oXPoint GetSize()
ounsigned long GetState()
ovirtual bool GetState(unsigned long __Mask)
ovirtual void HandleEvent(XEvent *__Event)
ovirtual bool ProcessEvent(XEvent *__Event)
ovirtual void RegisterClient(XObject *__Client)
ovirtual void SetPalette(char *__Pal, unsigned __PalLen)
ovirtual void UnregisterClient(XObject *__Client)

Protected Fields

ounsigned long Id
ounsigned long State
oXPoint Origin
oXPoint Size
oXPoint Cursor
oXRect Bounds
ochar ObjClass[40]
ochar Pal[80]
ounsigned PalLen
oXObject* Server
oClientList Clients

Protected Methods

obool SendMessage(unsigned long __Receiver, unsigned long __Class, long __Message)
obool SendMessage(unsigned long __Receiver, unsigned long __Class, void *__Body, unsigned long __Size)

Inherited from XEventBroker:

Public Methods

ovirtual void AddListener(unsigned long __Listener, unsigned __Class)
ovirtual void DelListener(unsigned long __Listener, unsigned __Class)
ovirtual void DelListener(unsigned long __Listener)

Protected Fields

oMap __map

Inherited from XObjectEventListener:

Public Methods

ovirtual bool ProcessCommand(XMessage *__Event)
ovirtual bool ProcessSignal(XEvent *__Event)
ovirtual bool ProcessBroadcast(XEvent *__Event)

Inherited from XEventListener:


Window class
oclass XtDialogBox XtWindow(XRect __r, char *__Title)
Constructs a new XtWindow with the specified bounds and title

ovirtual ~XtWindow()
Destructs the XtWindow instance

ovirtual void Close()
Close the window

ovirtual void Draw()
Draws the window

ovirtual void MoveTo(XPoint __p)
Move the upper-left window corner to the specified coordinate

ovirtual bool ProcessKeyboardEvent(XKeyboardEvent *__Event)
Process keyboard events

ovirtual bool ProcessMessage(XMessage *__Event)
Process message events. __Event->Message can be:

WM_CLOSE - request to close the window

WM_OPEN - request to open the window (e.g. to draw it)

WM_MOVE - request to move the window

ovirtual bool ProcessMouseEvent(XMouseEvent *__Event)
Process mouse events

ovirtual void Resize(XPoint __delta)
Adjusts the object's size with the specified coordinates
__delta - translation vector

ovirtual void SetFrame(char *__Frame)
Set the frame style

ovirtual void SetTitle(char *__Title)
Set the window title

ovirtual void SetState(unsigned long __Mask, bool __BoolValue)
Sets the window state

ochtype* Buffer
Buffer to save the old screen area

ochar* Title
Window title

ochar Frame[10]
Window frame

ovoid FrameUpdate()
Updates window margins

Direct child classes:

Go to the hierarchy of classes.

Copyright ©1998-2001 Dragos Acostachioaie
Last update on October 27, 2001

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